Most participants (88%) had sustained moderate or severe TBI and over half were more than 1-year postinjury. Standard neurorehabilitation consisted primarily of individual, discipline-specific therapies (physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy) along with 1 hour KU-60019 price of individual cognitive rehabilitation. The holistic neuropsychologic intervention included individual and group therapies that emphasized metacognitive and emotional regulation for cognitive deficits, emotional difficulties, interpersonal behaviors, and functional skills. Neuropsychologic functioning improved in both conditions, but the holistic neuropsychologic rehabilitation produced greater improvements in community functioning
and productivity, self-efficacy, and life satisfaction. An earlier (class II) study compared these interventions for clinical referrals.119 The study found that participants, despite being more severely disabled and further postinjury, receiving comprehensive-holistic rehabilitation were twice as likely to make clinically significant gains in community functioning than those receiving conventional rehabilitation. Several class II studies of comprehensive-holistic rehabilitation demonstrated reductions in symptoms, improvements in community functioning, and better quality of life compared with conventional treatment120 or no treatment.121 and 122 Results from a class I study,118 several class II studies,119,
120, 121 and 122 and class III studies,123, 124, 125, 128 and 129 are consistent with prior findings suggesting that comprehensive-holistic neuropsychologic rehabilitation Palbociclib price can improve community integration, functional independence, and productivity, even for patients who are many years postinjury.118, 119 and 124 The task force recommends that postacute, comprehensive-holistic neuropsychologic rehabilitation should be provided to reduce cognitive and functional disability after moderate or severe TBI (Practice Standard) ( table 7). Within this context, interventions should address the cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal difficulties of
people with acquired brain injury. Comprehensive-holistic programs typically incorporate a combination in individual and group therapies. There is also evidence Reverse transcriptase for the effectiveness of group treatment for memory deficits, 79 and 91 social communication skills, 38 and 41 aphasia, 131 and executive functioning and problem solving. 109 and 110 Based on this evidence, the task force recommends that group interventions be considered for treating cognitive and communication deficits after TBI and left hemisphere stroke (Practice Option) (see Table 4, Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7). In this systematic review, we evaluated 112 studies of cognitive rehabilitation after TBI or stroke. Based on our current review, we recommend 2 new Practice Standards and the strengthening or refinement of several Practice Standards previously advanced.