e , highest to lowest) irrespective of which quadrant was occlude

e., highest to lowest) irrespective of which quadrant was occluded. In this way the worst category

included every rat’s lowest quadrant score. If each rat used a different local cue, the removal of that cue should have disrupted performance and scores should have been poor in the worst category. However, Figure 7B indicates that performance for both groups was well above chance in the worst category and greater than 70% correct (Figure 7B, rightmost data). These findings provide compelling evidence that the rats did not use local cues to solve the discrimination problem but rather solved the problem by making an object-level discrimination. We also tested the same rats on the NOR task, a standard task of recognition memory in the rodent (Clark and Squire, 2010 and Winters et al., 2008). Figure 8 shows the performance of both Anti-diabetic Compound high throughput screening groups. The perirhinal lesion group was impaired on a 24 hr delay. Thus, while the discrimination task and the associated perceptual probe trials did not reveal any hint of impairment, recognition memory was impaired. Impaired recognition memory is

the expected result in animals with perirhinal damage (e.g., Prusky et al., 2004, Kornecook et al., 1999, Mumby and Pinel, 1994, Buffalo et al., 1999, Nemanic et al., 2004, Bussey et al., 1999, Bussey et al., 2000, Ennaceur et al., 1996 and Winters and Bussey, 2005). Note though that the recognition memory impairment observed here was milder than has been typically reported. For example, rats with perirhinal lesions are typically buy AZD5363 impaired on delays as short as 15 min (e.g., Ennaceur et al., 1996 and Winters and Bussey, 2005), whereas our animals were intact on a delay of 3 hr and impaired only on the 24 hr delay. Differences in lesion size between studies are unlikely to account for the different findings because our lesions were as large as, or larger, than those in previous studies (Ennaceur et al., 1996 and Winters and Bussey, 2005). It may be significant that the rats in our study had far more

testing experience (i.e., thousands of training trials over several months in the discrimination task) and were tested for recognition memory much longer after perirhinal lesions (i.e., 6–9 months rather than a few weeks) than in any previous study of perirhinal Olopatadine lesions in rats. Perhaps one of these factors (or a combination of these factors) might be important. In any case, the main finding was that our lesions were sufficient to impair recognition memory. Our finding of intact performance on feature-ambiguous discriminations after perirhinal lesions contrasts with prior work in the monkey. In monkeys, impairments were observed on discriminations that involved stimuli with high-feature overlap and that required complex object-level perception (Buckley and Gaffan, 1998, Buckley et al., 2001, Bussey et al., 2002 and Bussey et al., 2003).

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