During this period, normal cell division was observed 342 times i

During this period, normal cell division was observed 342 times in the NMFH-1cells, and 70 times in the NMFH-2 cells, and multinucleation was observed 83 times in the NMFH-1cells, and 16 times in the NMFH-2 cells. Regarding normal cell division, which arose in a large number of the traced cells, the constriction proceeded GNS-1480 supplier and the cytoplasm of the parent cell was divided and then the daughter cytoplasm did not fuse from the anaphase to cytokinesis (Figure 4; Additional file 1). Figure 4 Dynamics

of normal cell division by time-lapse video microscopy. The interval of each image is 15 minutes. These images were taken by the incubation imaging system, LCV100, Olympus. The yellow area indicates the location of the nuclei. From anaphase to cytokinesis, the constriction proceeded and the cytoplasm of the parent cell was divided, and then the daughter cytoplasms did not fuse. As for the HER2 inhibitor dynamics of multinucleation, the mononuclear cell moved about extensively, and extended some protrusions. The mononuclear cells were not so much spindle shaped as amoebiform and were round in shape with some protrusions. At the onset of M phase, the nuclear body and the nuclear membrane were disaggregated and could not be seen (prophase), and

then the chromosomes were aggregated and could be seen in the equator YAP-TEAD Inhibitor 1 in vitro of the cell (metaphase). The protrusions receded and the cytoplasm changed spherically, and almost floated. The daughter chromosomes separated (anaphase) and, simultaneously, the cytoplasm developed an elongated shape, the cleavage furrow started to appear, the nuclear membranes emerged, and the cytoplasm started to constrict in the middle (telophase). However, the enough constriction stopped and reversed in the middle of cytokinesis, and the cytoplasm did not divide. As a result, the cell, which included two nuclei, contained one area of cytoplasm (Figure 5; Additional file 2). Similar states were found in the hematoxylin and eosin staining, although each image is presented as a distinct cell (Figure 6). Multinucleation was also observed in a different process between telophase and cytokinesis, such as

before the appearance of the cleavage furrow or at the end of the constriction. Figure 5 Dynamics of multinucleation by time-lapse video microscopy. The interval of each image is 15 minutes. The yellow area indicates the location of the nuclei. In prophase, the nuclear body and the nuclear membrane were disaggregated and could not be seen (a-d), and in metaphase, the chromosomes were aggregated and could be seen in the equator of the cell (e). In anaphase, the daughter chromosomes separated, and in telophase the cytoplasm had an elongated shape, the cleavage furrow started to appear, and the nuclear membranes emerged and the cytoplasm began to constrict in the middle (f). However, the constriction stopped and reversed in the middle of cytokinesis, and the cytoplasm was not divided.

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