Medical record review and surveys completed by social workers and

Medical record review and surveys completed by social workers and child life specialists were used to determine psychosocial services provided to patients and their families over the first eight weeks of treatment.

Results: As predicted, families in the PAT condition received more services than those in PAU based on social worker and child life specialist

report and medical record review. Within the PAT group, families at the Targeted and Clinical levels of risk received more intensive services than those at the Universal level.

Conclusions: GW4869 This initial report shows how psychosocial risk screening may impact psychosocial care in pediatric cancer, supporting the importance of screening as well as matching services to risk level. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.”
“We characterized flame retardant (FR) morphologies

and spatial distributions in 7 consumer products and 7 environmental YAP-TEAD Inhibitor 1 nmr dusts to determine their implications for transfer mechanisms, human exposure, and the reproducibility of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) dust measurements. We characterized individual particles using scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Raman micro-spectroscopy (RMS). Samples were screened for the presence of 3 FR constituents (bromine, phosphorous, non-salt chlorine) and 2 metal synergists (antimony and bismuth). Subsequent analyses of select samples by RMS enabled molecular identification of the FR compounds and matrix materials. The consumer this website products and dust samples possessed FR elemental weight percents of up to 36% and 31%, respectively. We identified 24 FR-containing

particles in the dust samples and classified the into 9 types based on morphology-and composition. We observed a broad range of morphologies for these FR-containing particles, suggesting FR transfer to dust via multiple mechanisms. We developed an equation to describe the heterogeneity of FR-containing particles in environmental dust samples. The number of individual FR-containing particles expected in a 1-mg dust sample with a FR concentration of 100 ppm ranged from <1 to >1000 particles. The presence of rare, high-concentration bromine particles was correlated with decabromodiphenyl ether concentrations obtained via GC-MS. When FRs are distributed heterogeneously in highly concentrated dust particles, human exposure to FRs may be characterized by high transient exposures interspersed by periods of low exposure, and GC-MS FR concentrations may exhibit large variability in replicate subsamples. Current limitations of this SEM/EDS technique include potential false negatives for volatile and chlorinated FRs and greater quantitation uncertainty for brominated FR in aluminum-rich matrices. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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