Our study provides no strong evidence of spatial displacement of

Our study provides no strong evidence of spatial displacement of wild grazers by cattle. We suggest that pastoralist decisions on cattle distribution do not need to negatively affect wildlife distribution and that coexistence can be possible through spatial partitioning. our results show that pastoralist decisions play an important role in the interactions between livestock and wildlife in African savannas and that herd mobility is a key component in supporting sustainable use of resources

for both wildlife and livestock. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. MEK162 nmr All rights reserved.”
“Development of bakery products containing milled flaxseed, could have potential health benefits due to its high antioxidant, lignan and omega-3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid content. However the effect of adding flaxseed, especially in the high amounts required for use as the food supplement in clinical trials, may affect the

flavor PD173074 solubility dmso characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the flavor profile of different muffin and snack bar formulations with and without milled flaxseed. Three snack bar formulations and two muffin formulations with and without flaxseed were evaluated by ten and eleven trained assessors respectively. The intensity of seven aroma and eight flavor attributes for snack bars, and nine aroma and ten flavor attributes for muffins were measured on 15-cm line scales. Both the orange cranberry and apple spice muffin formulations with flaxseed had significantly lower sweetness and vanilla aroma and flavor intensities, and significantly higher grain/flax aroma and flavor, and bitter taste compared to the non-flax muffin. Of the two flavorings apple spice appeared to have the best potential, since the apple aroma and flavor were significantly higher for the flax muffin compared to the non-flax muffin. The orange cranberry, gingerbread raisin and cappuccino chocolate chip snack bar formulations with and without flaxseed showed no significant selleck differences in intensities for the grain/flax aroma and flavor. The gingerbread raisin snack bar

formulations showed no significant differences for any other attributes except for higher spice aroma in the flax sample, which makes it a promising flavoring option. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“We integrated satellite-tracking data from black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes; n = 7) and Laysan albatrosses captured in Alaska (Phoebastria immutabilis; n = 18) with data on fishing effort and distribution from commercial fisheries in the North Pacific in order to assess potential risk from bycatch. Albatrosses were satellite-tagged at-sea in the Central Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and tracked during the post-breeding season, July-October 2005 and 2006. In Alaskan waters, fishing effort occurred almost exclusively within continental shelf and slope waters.

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