, 2001). For
each transformant that disrupted a gene in the selleck products current library that had not been disrupted in the previous library, the genomic position of the transposon was confirmed by performing two sets of PCR amplifications, analyzed on agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide, as described (French et al., 2008). The first set used a transposon-specific primer paired with a gene-specific primer. The presence of a PCR product of the predicted size indicated that the transposon was at the expected location, provided that the same PCR product was absent when using the parental wild-type strain as template. For the second PCR amplification, two gene-specific primers were used that would flank the site of the transposon. If the expected product was obtained with wild-type DNA as template but no product was obtained with the transformant DNA as template, it was concluded that the gene was disrupted
and that the transformant lacked a second, intact copy of the gene. For some transformants, the PCR amplifications confirmed the location of the transposon but also detected the presence of an intact copy of the gene. In these cases, the transformant culture was subcloned and the two PCR reactions were performed again on each subclone. Before subcloning, cell aggregates were Epigenetic inhibitor chemical structure disrupted by sonicating in a sonifier (model Teicoplanin 250/450; Branson, Danbury, CT) at a power level of 5 and a duty cycle of 10% for 20 s. These conditions maximally increased the CFU of the cultures.
No gene was considered to be disrupted unless the PCR data indicated that at least one subclone had the transposon at the expected site with no intact copy of the gene. Rarely, the PCR data indicated that all subclones of a transformant had an intact copy of the gene that was disrupted by the transposon. The presence of both a disrupted and an intact copy of the gene suggested gene duplication. In these cases, the identity of the PCR products was confirmed by performing another PCR amplification. The products from the first amplification that had used primers that flanked the insertion site of the transposon were used as template, and an internal set of primers was used for amplification. In cases where there was doubt regarding the results, the PCR products were also sequenced. A total of 1210 different minitransposon insertion sites were mapped. Thus, the library is smaller than the original Tn4001T library for which 1856 different insertion sites were mapped (French et al., 2008). Combined, the libraries provide excellent coverage, with, on average, a transposon insertion site every 300 bp in the 960-kb genome of M. pulmonis.